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Alec Wray


When did you start riding trials?
I started riding motor trials around 3 years ago.

How did you get into riding trials?

I have ridden cycle trials most of my life and decided to have a go at motor trials now that I have more spare time from peddle bikes.


What was your first trials bike?

A 15-year-old gasgas which wasn't very good.​


What achievements have you had in trials?

Nothing in motorbike trials but British Champion in peddle bikes and a Guinness World Record.


Who do you look up to/admire in the trials world?

Butch Robson and his son Ste.​


Which venue is your favourite to ride? 

Never got to go on a motorbike but would love to ride Addingham Moorside. It was my favourite place on a peddle bike.


Is there a major trials event that you enjoy?

The Baa 2 Day Trial!


Is there a trials event or venue you have not ridden which you would really like to ride?

Always liked the idea of doing the Scottish 6 days...​


What is your favourite memory from trials riding?

Too many to choose from.

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