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Dave Hull

When did you start riding trials?
I started riding trials in 2017.
How did you get into riding trials?
I was at Lambshield on my Enduro bike, watching with Alec Wray.
What was your first trials bike?
2005 Gasgas​
What achievements have you had in trials?
Won a few easy routes at local trials. Nothing major, still trying.
Who do you look up to/admire in the trials world?
At the start it was Alec Wray but now it is Phil Baxter!​
Which venue is your favourite to ride?
Is there a major trials event that you enjoy?
Alwinton 2 Day
Is there a trials event or venue you have not ridden which you would really like to ride?
Probably loads​.
What is your favourite memory from trials riding?
They are all good times.
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